The creative process is ignited by sparks of imagination, fueled by collaboration, clarified through a sieve of refinement, and is ever-growing and innovating with time.
Do we, as designers, meet the brief in a way that exudes a firm understanding & excellence in craftsmanship?
When I was a little girl, I used to create birthday and holiday cards for my parents from scratch. How many flowers and stars could fit inside while still leaving room to write special messages? Should the colors match the occasion, or be their personal favorites? These decisions - life or death to a 9 year old - brought me just as much joy in their creation as it did my parents receiving those memorable treasures. 
This is the heart of design, isn't it? Connecting with people
I've had many diverse experiences in my career, but the common thread has always been centered around people. What excites them? What are their needs? What drives them? What brings them joy?
As a designer, I bring all my years of experience of learning, leadership, and collaboration with people into the way I work, with the hope that I'll keep crafting meaningful memories and stories for the ones who experience them. 
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